5 posts tagged with "Gatsby.JS"

Gatsby.JS on Circle.CI + Netlify

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If you want to get around Netlify's initial limitations (and not to be billed accidentally, once you surpass it) - you could use CircleCI for the build process ⚙ and then deploy to Netlify ☁

  —  6 min read

Drupal Redirects in Gatsby.JS

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If you’re running Drupal + Gatsby.JS website, you’ll inevitably change the URLs of some of these articles (i.e. by changing the title) → and this will change the slug (URL) → and this will cause 404s (i.e. break all Social Media posts, etc). There’s a way to fix it.

  —  6 min read

Gatsby.JS Live Previews with Drupal

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If you have a decoupled Gatsby + Drupal site, then you’re probably annoyed waiting for 5-10 minutes for the build to finish - to see how your CMS changes landed on the actual website. There’s a better way - Gatsby Previews (took me a while to look into it).

  —  7 min read