Local & Privacy Friendly AI in IDE

Hey hey folks! I’ve been quiet for a while - as I was in the process of switching jobs and onboarding a new company - Dropsolid. Now I’m back with some new experiments and ideas - let’s dive into this one 👇

  —  11 min read

Efficient Deployment for Personal Projects

There are many ways to run and deploy a production environment (or dev/stg). This article is about exploring a docker-compose.yml based approach. Note: I’m not a DevOps guy 😀 but I still need to deploy projects, in an efficient and affordable way.

  —  27 min read

Working Remotely? Consider Valencia, Spain.

Due to recent events (Russia starting a war in Ukraine), many of our friends from Moldova and Ukraine are asking us various questions about Valencia and Spain, why we have decided to live here, what are our expenses, what is our life like, etc. I decided to write up an article that covers these topics - might be useful for others as well. If you’re a Ukrainian IT professional analyzing where to settle within the EU - consider strolling through this article.

  —  16 min read

Drupal 8/9 Image Effects

We know how to use Image Effects as predefined presets to create derivative images in Drupal 8/9 - but did you know that you can re-use the same plugins to create images on-demand, in a dynamic fashion? That’s what this article is about!

  —  11 min read

Gatsby.JS on Circle.CI + Netlify

Outdated post - content might not be relevant...

If you want to get around Netlify's initial limitations (and not to be billed accidentally, once you surpass it) - you could use CircleCI for the build process ⚙ and then deploy to Netlify ☁

  —  6 min read

Drupal Redirects in Gatsby.JS

Outdated post - content might not be relevant...

If you’re running Drupal + Gatsby.JS website, you’ll inevitably change the URLs of some of these articles (i.e. by changing the title) → and this will change the slug (URL) → and this will cause 404s (i.e. break all Social Media posts, etc). There’s a way to fix it.

  —  6 min read