Review: Entrepreneurs/Co-founders Mixer

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Sunday! It was an awesome morning and an interesting event ahead - "Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs/Co-founders Mixer: Tea & Music". I had a perfect mood for networking and ideas and I must say, the event was AWESOME :)

  —  3 min read

My first meetup in US

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After a couple of days of working and partying in the Bay Area, I've decided to actually go to one of the meetups (on and meet new people, share my ideas and get inspired by their ideas. So I just picked up first interesting meetup that I've found on the website:

  —  2 min read

Hello, World!

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Yes, I just had to use the exclamation mark! I've been building this blog for a while, with constant delays, vacation trips and work trips I've finally finished it. I've reached the point where I need a place to store and share all of my notes, tips, articles, ideas - and here we are, finally.

  —  1 min read